Infrastructure is Key in Medical Billing Systems Software

 If you answer yes to these questions below, then infrastructure is a main consideration when choosing your Medical Billing Practice Management solution. Are you looking for a new medical billing software, but do not want to buy a bunch of new hardware?  Do you need Mac medical billing software to add I-Pads to use in your clinic or   hospital rounds? …

Claim Scrubber Optimizes Radiation Therapy Claims Reimbursement

Coding claims is tricky. Radiation oncology billing is especially difficult because of the planning and staging processes that occur prior to treatment. On a bad day a coder can create future problems that are difficult to remedy.  Fortunately, Iridium Suite offers a safety net to help you avoid the pitfalls of improper coding. A claim scrubber is a built-in editor, …

Iridium Suite v.10 Press Release

Medical Business Systems Announces the Release of Iridium Suite Version 10, Expanding Its Reach to Serve All Medical Specialties By Susan Morrison November 26, 2012 Reno, NV – Locally owned Medical Business Systems announced today that it has released Iridium Suite version 10 which makes its user-friendly medical billing software the best billing solution for all medical specialties.  Iridium Suite …

Benefits of Electronic Health Records (EHR)

All practices have felt the push to Electronic Health Records(EHR). Whether you have already complied or are holding off, there are definite benefits to making the change.                                                                                                                                       The first and maybe the most important is legibility. We have all heard the jokes about “doctor's handwriting”, but handwriting in general is typically far less readable than a typed record. Illegible …

Benefits of Electronic Health Records (EHR)

All practices have felt the push to Electronic Health Records(EHR). Whether you have already complied or are holding off, there are definite benefits to making the change. To read more visit our Biller's Blog.

Optimize Claim Reimbursement for Vaccinations

                                                                                         If your office is administering Influenza Virus and Pneumococcal vaccinations, you should review the following information to insure you are submitting the correct diagnosis and procedure codes to receive the proper claim reimbursement. The vaccine procedure code should be chosen based on the description of the drug and the age of the patient. Each vaccine code should be billed …

Optimize Claim Reimbursement for Vaccinations

Insure you are submitting the correct diagnosis and procedure codes to receive the proper claim reimbursement for administering vaccinations. To read more visit our Biller's Blog.

How Do You Score Your Evaluation and Management Services?

Subscribers of eNews from First Coast Service Options Inc. (FCSO) the Medicare Fiscal Intermediary for Florida, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands were asked this question: Do you find the E/M interactive tool useful? The choice of answers listed was: Yes No Don't have a need for it Unaware of its existence This made me start thinking about those …