As the new year quickly approaches, we all await the “final” Medicare fee schedule. We are familiar with the routine. Each November a fee schedule is published, but it is pending based upon Congress and the supposed required budget reductions. The large cuts seem to eventually get overturned, producing a much different “final” schedule than seen in November. So while …
Review Your Fee Schedules for Maximum Reimbursement
Reviewing your payer contracts, fee schedules and actual payments helps maximize claim reimbursement. To read more visit our Biller's Blog.
Iridium Suite is Dedicated to Customer Service
The Miriam-Webster Dictionary defines Service as: 1 a: the occupation or function of serving <in active service> 2 a: the work performed by one that serves <good service> b: help, training, use, benefit <glad to be of service> At Medical Business Systems, we are dedicated to serving the needs of our Iridium Suite …
Iridium Suite is Dedicated to Customer Service
At Medical Business Systems, we are dedicated to serving the needs of our Iridium Suite Medical Billing Software customers during all phases from the initial system set up and continuing on through to the daily operations of your practice. To read more visit our Biller's Blog.
Senior Patients, Tobacco Use and Your Practice
Tobacco use has been proven to be the leading cause of preventable death in the United States. In response to the evidence, CMS decided in 2005 to consider smoking and tobacco use cessation counseling to be reasonable and necessary for a patient with a disease or an adverse health effect that has been found by the U.S. Surgeon General …
Senior Patients, Tobacco Use and Your Practice
CMS considers smoking and tobacco use cessation counseling to be reasonable and necessary. To read more visit our Biller's Blog.
2013 ESRD Payments and Incentives
The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) has issued a final rule for 2013 that updates Medicare policies and payment rates for dialysis facilities paid under the End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Prospective Payment System (PPS). CMS estimated a 4.6 percent growth in fee-for-service Medicare dialysis beneficiary enrollment between 2012 and 2013. In August 2012, CMS released an analysis of …
2013 ESRD Payments and Incentives
For 2013 CMS will increase payments 3% to dialysis facilities paid under the End-Stage Renal Disease (ESRD) Prospective Payment System (PPS). To read more visit our Biller's Blog.
2013 Increased Claims Reimbursement
Due to recent legislative changes, many providers will see increased claims reimbursement in 2013. Below are the details of three areas that will be effected. Increased Medicaid Payments to Primary Care Physicians: The National Quality Strategy, required by The Affordable Care Act of 2010, is a national plan to improve the delivery of health care services, patient health outcomes, …
2013 Increased Claims Reimbursement
Due to recent legislative changes, many providers will see increased claims reimbursement in 2013. To read more visit our Biller's Blog.