URGENT: Avoid Incorrect Outpatient Place of Service

Physicians providing services in the outpatient department of a hospital         need to urgently review their place of service (POS) coding practices. As of October 1, 2012, CMS has implemented it's new place of service coding instructions per CR7631. Billing for outpatient hospital procedures have come under the scrutiny of the Office of the Inspector General (OIG). The OIG has …

Always Code the Most Specific Diagnosis

Inaccurate or non-specific diagnosis coding can adversely affect your reimbursement of medical claims. Many categories of the ICD-9 contain codes that represent the non-specified site of a certain neoplasm. The are typically indicated with a “9” as the last digit of the code. Even though all of these codes are viable, accepted diagnoses, many payers, especially Medicare, highly encourage the …

Electronic Health Record (EHR) and Medical Billing Systems

An EHR must not only record your patient data electronically, but should be certified for meaningful use by CMS. Once you select a certified system, this gives you the potential to earn financial incentives from CMS by providing the required proof of meaningful use. Integrating multiple systems can enhance your work environment and improve efficiency. Your medical billing system should …

Electronic Health Record (EHR) and Medical Billing Systems

Integrating multiple systems can enhance your work environment and improve efficiency.  Iridium Suite medical billing software now comes with the Connectivity Clearinghouse enabling connections to multiple EHR systems. To read more visit our Biller's Blog.

Optimize Use of Electronic Data Interchange In Medical Billing

Electronic data interchange (EDI) is the structured transmission of data between organizations by electronic means. It is used to transfer electronic documents or business data from one computer system to another computer system, i.e. from a medical practice to an insurance payer. To read more visit our Biller's Blog.