Is Medicare Worth It?

The American Medical Association is lobbying Congress hard and fast against the Medicare proposal of 23% cuts on December 1, 2010. This is an across-the-board cut that affects everyone.  More providers are dropping out of their contracts with Medicare, which means patients are scrambling for enrolled doctors.  To read more, see the article in the New York Times.

The Cure for Disorganization Syndrome

Does this sound familiar; your desk looks like a doctor’s, your computer screen is bordered in sticky notes like a picture frame or completely covered like the picture above, and your computer desktop screen is full of icons?  Do you feel overwhelmed and frustrated because you don’t know where to begin when you sit at your desk first thing in …

BMSi Seminar – Los Angeles, CA

Congratulations on your decision to learn from the nation's most renowned expert on radiation oncology billing and coding, Dr. Carl Bogardus. We look forward to seeing you there.

Impac Integration

Iridium Suite is now integrated directly with the Impac Record and Verify System. Importing data from a Record and Verify prevents double entry and should you’re your billing cycle more efficient.

Lock & Key Security Dashboard

Our security system has been overhauled with a new user friendly lock and key graphical user interface.  Grant and Revoke user feature and data access with the click of the mouse.

BMSi Seminar – New York, NY

Congratulations on your decision to learn from the nation's most renowned expert on radiation oncology billing and coding, Dr. Carl Bogardus. We look forward to seeing you there.