Iridium Suite – The RO Model Solution
Iridium Suite is the only medical billing software which has a built-in RO Model solution. It allows for automation of the majority of the work and helps your practice bill correctly. Most importantly, it will save the staff time and help ensure that the appropriate reimbursement is received. Here are some of the highlights of the automated RO Model solution that Iridium Suite offers:
Easy one step configuration in Iridium Suite. The user configures an episode based on cancer type and modality. Once configured the rest of the process is automated. You will be warned if an episode is not configured for RO Model so nothing is missed.
Automatic M-Code billing
All the RO Model M-Codes will be automatically billed at the appropriate time. This includes both the professional and the technical M-Codes. It also includes the start of episode and end of episode time frames.
V1 and V2 Modifiers
The appropriate RO Model start of episode V1 modifier or end of episode V2 modifier will be appended to the M-Codes automatically.
Bundled Fee-For-Service (FFS) Code Management
FFS codes that are considered bundled will be held for billing until the end of episode has been reached.
Exception episodes and the GB modifier
If an episode is billed which is considered an Exception Episode, such as Brachytherapy modality at a RO Modeal participating practice, then the GB modifier will be automatically applied to the FFS codes.
Reminder system
Iridium Suite’s Todo system will remind users to meet timing deadlines such as when the technical M-Code must be billed and when the end of episode M-Code needs to be billed.
Accounts for Clean Period situations
Iridium Suite will recognize clean period FFS billing and bill appropriately.