RO Model Payment

National Base Rates

CMS defines national base rates by cancer type.  This is the foundation for reimbursement.  These are the base rates released with the final rule.

RO Model M-Code Bill Type Cancer Type National Base Rate
M1072 Professional Anal Cancer $3,104.11
M1073 Technical Anal Cancer $16,800.83
M1074 Professional Bladder Cancer $2,787.24
M1075 Technical Bladder Cancer $13,556.06
M1076 Professional Bone Metastases $1,446.41
M1077 Technical Bone Metastases $6,194.22
M1078 Professional Brain Metastases $1,651.56
M1079 Technical Brain Metastases $9,879.40
M1080 Professional Breast Cancer $2,059.59
M1081 Technical Breast Cancer $10,001.84
M1084 Professional CNS Tumor $2,558.46
M1085 Technical CNS Tumor $14,762.37
M1082 Professional Cervical Cancer $3,037.12
M1083 Technical Cervical Cancer $13,560.15
M1086 Professional Colorectal Cancer $2,508.30
M1087 Technical Colorectal Cancer $12,200.62
M1088 Professional Head and Neck Cancer $3,107.95
M1089 Technical Head and Neck Cancer $17,497.16
M1094 Professional Lung Cancer $2,231.40
M1095 Technical Lung Cancer $12,142.39
M1096 Professional Lymphoma $1,724.07
M1097 Technical Lymphoma $7,951.09
M1098 Professional Pancreatic Cancer $2,480.83
M1099 Technical Pancreatic Cancer $13,636.95
M1100 Professional Prostate Cancer $3,378.09
M1101 Technical Prostate Cancer $20,415.97
M1102 Professional Upper GI Cancer $2,666.79
M1103 Technical Upper GI Cancer $14,622.66
M1104 Professional Uterine Cancer $2,737.11
M1105 Technical Uterine Cancer $14,156.20



Base rates are then adjusted based upon various factors.  Within 30 days prior to the start of each performance year, CMS will provide each RO participant with its case mix and historical experience adjustments for both the professional component and technical component.  This information can be found on the Radiation Oncology Administrative Portal (ROAP).  Here are adjustment types:

  • Case Mix & Historical Experience Adjustments

These adjustments are to address differences in the participant’s beneficiary population and demographics.  There is one professional and/or one technical.  This does not vary on the basis of cancer type.  RO participants with < 60 episodes in the last 3 years of data will not receive a case mix adjustment or historical experience adjustment.

    • Historical Efficiency and Payment Blend

Historical efficiency is gauged to determine payout which is a blend of the national base rate and the participant’s historical payment average for a cancer type.

      • Historically Inefficient

This means the provider’s payments were higher than the national average.  If so, the reimbursement blend will be heavily tilted towards participant’s historical average rather than the national base rate.  In year one, it will be 90% historical average and 10% base rate.  In year two, it will be 85% historical average and 15% national base rate.  In year three, it will be 80% historical average and 20% national base rate.  And so on.

      • Historically Efficient

This means the provider’s payments were lower than the national average.  If so, the reimbursement blend is fixed at 90% of the participant’s historical average and 10% base rate.

  • Trending Factors

The Trend Factor accounts for volume and payment trends of Radiation Therapy services made outside of the RO Model.  It utilizes recent non participant claim data to calculate.  A separate trend factor is calculated for the PC and TC of each cancer type.

  • Participant Specific Adjustment: discounts and withholds

CMS will adjust payments by applying a discount factor.  The discount factor is a percentage which CMS reduces an episode payment amount.  A discount factor for the Professional Comonent is 3.75% and it is 4.75% for the Technical Component rate.

CMS applies withholds to account for Incorrect Payments and Quality Measures Performance. The Incorrect Payment Withhold is 1% of the PC rate and 1% of the TC rate. This withhold accounts for duplicate radiation therapy services that may have been delivered during the performance period or incomplete episodes in which the radiation therapy services were not delivered within the 28 day window from the date of the treatment planning service.

RO participants can earn back withholds based on clinical data reporting, quality measure performance and reporting and through performance consumer assessment reporting.

  • Geographic Adjustment

Geographic adjustments will be applied in a similar manner to how they are currently used for fee-for-service for each RO Model participant.